I'm happy to announce that will we be holding a full weekend of Essentials classes – first, Becoming a Professional Organizer: The Essentials on Friday, March 27th, and then Paper Management: The Essentials on Saturday, March 28th, in downtown San Francisco. We'd love to have you join us at one or both of these fantastic seminars!
Becoming a Professional Organizer: The Essentials is a day-long interactive class providing a comprehensive, realistic, well-rounded look at what's involved in becoming a professional organizer, what it's like to work with clients, how to market yourself, and what pitfalls to avoid.
The class is scheduled for Friday, March 27th, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in downtown San Francisco. The fee for this class is $275, which includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, class handouts, and a certificate of participation.
Paper Management: The Essentials is all about tackling paper management projects with organizing clients: the different types of papers you might encounter, how to assess the situation, helping clients sort and weed, and creating paper management systems that will work for each client. If you'd like to add paper management to the list of services you offer your clients, or if you'd like to hone your paper management skills to take your work with clients to the next level, this class is for you.
The class is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in downtown San Francisco. The fee for this class is $275, which includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, class handouts, and a certificate of participation.
Our classes are limited to 15 participants and are filling up quickly. As a bonus, if you sign up for both classes, you'll save $50!
Custom Living Solutions"...for the way you want to live"
Tel: (415) 830-6345