If you’re addicted to email, you probably know that not every message is truly urgent. What if there was a way for those truly urgent messages to get to you, even when you are not checking your email?
I just found out about AwayFind, which is a free (for now) service that lets people send you urgent text messages via an online web form. Instead of giving out your cell number to everyone, you can set an autoresponder in your email that says “Sorry, I’m out with clients right now, and won’t be checking my email until the end of the day. If your message is truly urgent and requires immediate attention, please fill out the form below which will send me a text message.” People can still reach you, but at least this way they won’t be interrupting you via email or a phone call.
There are lots of uses for AwayFind. I think it’s a great tool for helping get out from the deluge of email.
Thanks for the AwayFind review, Josh! If you or any of your readers have questions, I'd be happy to tackle those here.
Have great rest of your weekend.
Jared, AwayFind Founder
Sounds like a cool service - I'll check it out. Thanks!
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