In my world as a Professional Organizer, I work with many clients who have what they feel is a lot of stuff - most of the time, they feel like what they have is too much.
Part of how people accumulate things is via shopping. For some, shopping is a chore, while for others, it's a competetive sport! In all seriousness, shopping - and compulsive shopping in particular -
can end up creating lots of clutter and land people in debt.
I just came across a very interesting article on the recently
discovered differences in brain activity between people who tend to
spend versus those who tend not to. You can read it at:
Joshua Zerkel
Certified Professional Organizer (R)
President, National Association of Professional Organizers, San
Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Custom Living Solutions
"...for the way you want to live"
Web: www.customlivingsolutions.com
Email: joshua@customlivingsolutions.com
Tel (415) 830-6345 | Fax (360) 364-8728
Join my Linkedin network at http://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuazerkel
Classes for new and experienced organizers: http://www.essentialsclasses.com