Well, with the volume of email I read, sometimes I think it would be nice for someone to read my messages to me instead of staring at the computer screen. I was at Macworld recently, and came across a company called Voice on the Go, who sells a monthly service that does just that, and more.
Voice on the Go will read your email to you, then let you respond with your voice, which sounds pretty cool. I assumed that the service did some sort of voice recognition or transcription, but it doesn't -instead, it records your voice-based email reply and attaches it to your message as an attachment, so your recipient can listen to your response. Could be neat, or could be annoying, depending on your recipient's point of view, I suppose.
The monthly service is under $10, and has a bunch of features not listed here. Learn more at:
--Joshua Zerkel
Certified Professional Organizer (R)President, National Association of Professional Organizers, SanFrancisco Bay Area Chapter
Custom Living Solutions"...for the way you want to live"
Web: http://www.customlivingsolutions.com/
Email: joshua@customlivingsolutions.com
Tel (415) 830-6345 Fax (360) 364-8728
Classes for new and experienced organizers: http://www.essentialsclasses.com/
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